Tuesday, April 5, 2011

There's No Place Like Home

Our Carly has been obsessed with the Wizard of Oz for months now. It has always amazed me that not even once was she scared of the darker parts of the movie. I still get a little freaked out by those awful monkeys...but not Carly! She is totally in love with the movie from start to finish and I can honestly say we have probably seen the movie over 50 times now. With moving into our new home last Fall and Carly's love for the great wizard it was pretty obvious that we celebrate her 2nd birthday with a bash to honor both her and our new home....so here is a re-cap of her birthday which is heavy on pictures rather than words for once!

Our front yard set the scene for our adventure and the below photo is entitled "My life hasn't been the same since someone dropped a house on my sister!"

When guests walked up to the front door they were greeted with my custom wreath's asking them "Are you a GOOD WITCH" or a "BAD WITCH?!"

A side effect of being an event designer/producer...you can't throw a "normal" party!

We had witch cupcakes, rainbow fruit cups, red jello slippers, "Toto's in a Blanket,"

AND the MOST awesome birthday cake ever baked by colleague and friend Desire DeMontijo...The Rainbow Cake....AMAZING!

Favors were tiny Toto baskets with Lion's heart bubble bath, Lion's Heart Chocolates or Rainbow Jello Beans AND custom TOTO cookies done by POSH COOKIES from Houston!

The bathrooms were even decked out for the day!

Daddy's arms are always a safe place to be!

The birthday girl wore a custom "No Place Like Home" ensemble but didnt wake until 30 minutes after the party started. She was rather tired and grumpy and in Carly fashion warmed up AFTER the guests left. She loved swinging, eating her lollipops, eating ice cream and most of all curling up on Paw-Paw's lap after the big bash was over.

All the work was totally worth it. We asked all the guests to click their heels and make a wish and after the party Mom, Dad and I released a single red balloom into the sky with our wish.

Red balloons have done great things for me...the last one I released brought Cole into our world!

For us...this day wasn't about the tiny detail or the great gifts that Carly received...instead for us it was a day to say that there is definitely "No Place Like Home" and we are so happy that for Cole and Carly we can say that home is in New Orleans whether it is celebrating a second birthday or just a Monday during the week.