Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Best Friends

At one week shy of turning 4, our son Cole made his first real friendship connection a little over a year ago at his current school located in the Soup Bowl. To be honest it was a set-up...after I basically begged his Mother to have her son check on Cole during his first day of after-care at school. Being the EXTREME worrying soul that I am, I suppose I thought Cole would fall to pieces on that day...feel abandoned or concerned that I would never pick him up perhaps.

Well, that's when William came in to our life and stepped up to the challenge of becoming Cole's first best friend. Not an easy task for anyone to take on since Cole did not exactly come pre-packaged with the genes of a carefree attitude and flexible disposition. I will blame this on Allen like I do everything else that our children are personality "challenged" with.
William is one of those kids that perhaps has been around a time or two in this adventure we call life. He communicates far beyond his age with the gift of immediate connection and shares EVERY detail of his life without even a second thought. All with a sweet, caring and compassionate disposition. You couldn't really ask for a better first best friend for your child and although it started out as a set-up it take didn't long for their friendship to become one that is genuine.

At 4, a best friend is someone that when you go to their house you must complain about them for not sharing, about how they sprayed water on your face when you weren't looking or that they won't share your cheetoes. And just when your Mom thinks it is the most miserable time being had by all and you get in the car to leave it is stated "Mom...that was the BEST time I ever had!" .....this all a typical playdate with William.

A best friend is also someone that cheers you on trying to go number 2 on the potty and pats you on the back when you are having tantrum in the middle of the floor. A best friend is someone that you watch Star Wars with, eat too many donuts & suckers and play super heroes and when it is time to go home you aren't afraid to give a big bear hug and say "I love you."

How lucky have we been to have had William in our life.

Two weeks ago, William started "big boy" school and while we really thought hard about transitioning Cole to this school as well it just wasn't the right time for Cole to experience yet another major change in his life. For son doesn't have his first best friend and he tells me almost daily that he misses his friend William.

Although this may sound silly to some in other parts of the country, in the Soup Bowl, it is not uncommon to go through every level of schooling and STILL be friends with your FIRST best friend...even when you have your OWN kids. We do that here...we latch on and never let go and if we go we only go for a short time and then pick up wherever we left off.

So perhaps William and Cole will move on or they may even remain best friends as the years go by I cannot predict. What I do know is that memories we have made will be kept dear in our hearts and one day perhaps they will meet again as college roomates...William bringing by every girl he meets to hang with the rest of the guys and Cole reminding him that he needs to be on time for his 8am psyc class.

Thank you William.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Our Life In the Soup Bowl

So here it first blog recording the adventures and challenges of raising a family in the city of New Orleans...otherwise known as the "Soup Bowl." It is almost 4 years to the day that hurricane Katrina forever changed our lives, so it is only fitting that my first blog tells the tale of that day and time once again. For the past 4 years I have often cursed August 29, 2005 but not today - today will be a day of gratitude and thanks on what has become our "post-K" life here:
Thank you Katrina for allowing me the chance to spend the first four months of Cole's life with the daily help and care of my mother. Had you not come I would have been alone - a first-time mother without that extra help and care that what so needed.
Thank you Katrina for giving my sister and her family a beautiful, safe new place to live and although it is many miles away it is a safe haven for us when it is needed and longed for.
Thank you Katrina for changing my career and what I do on a daily basis. Had you not come I would have never stood in the ravages of the lower 9th ward, visited the campus of St. Augustine High School or the countless other New Orleans public schools in our city for voluntourism projects.
Thank you Katrina for every grateful re-opening celebration we got to attend. From something as grand and wonderful as the Superdome's coming out party to as simple as our favorite chinese food restaurant on Carrollton Avenue coming back to serve the BEST Mandarin Chicken in the South!
Thank you Katrina for making me a better wife, friend, daughter, colleague and most of all...a better Mother, because I no longer second guess a kiss, a hug, an apology or prayer when I go to sleep each night.
Thank you Katrina for reminding me why we fight to live and choose to raise our children in this city that has become a person not a place to us and for reminding me that I cannot turn my back on her when she has bad days, months or even years.
And speaking of time frames...they said that it would take 8 years to recover from Katrina's devastation. In less than half, we are stronger, kinder, wiser, better prepared for hardship and live life fuller because of the path we have traveled so today I am grateful....
The Mommy in the Soupbowl

Friday, August 14, 2009

Welcome Home

Kel ~

If you don't know, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. We've never gone to a birthday party together, had a lunch date or even been in the same city together for more than a few days; but, I know for certain that you will always be someone dear to me. I love so much your warm spirit and the remarkable impact you have on everything and everyone you touch.

I am SO excited to follow along on the adventures of you and Allen as Cole and Carly grow and you find the perfect home for all of you. Welcome to your home on the web.

All My Love, K